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Educator Award History

2023 Recipients

Adam Brady

Adam Brady

John Prasch Health and Physical Fitness Award

About the Award: This award recognizes an educator each year who has made a significant contribution to students' lives by promoting health and physical fitness.

Awarded Amount: $1,000

Nominated By: Parent

Briefly describe how this educator has made a difference in peoples' lives by promoting health and physical fitness. Please be as specific as possible concerning the outstanding contribution of the nominee as evidenced by commitment and innovation.

Most day when I ask my high schooler how his school day was I’d get a response along the lines of “fine”, “nothing really happened”, “boring”, or “I don’t remember”.

The exception to this rule was when he attended Mr. Brady’s health class. Not only was he animated in telling me what he learned about, but my introverted teenager was actually excited about giving a class presentation on trans fats, of all things.

I appreciate Mr. Brady not only teaching my son about important health topics, but making it interesting and fun enough for that education to “stick”, and for making the classroom a welcoming place that promotes participation.

The Numbers

  • Schools Served


  • Focus & Specialty Programs Served


  • Students Empowered


  • Teachers & Staff Supported


  • Funds Received This Year


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